The history of cancer in the a very old foot more than we imagine, even back to pre-history, in an age when the earth prevailed with giant reptiles her name dinosaurs ! Floundering of "Grojousours" -( eating meat)- has a lot of several fractures and wounds cavernous as it was clear to the vast structure, 72 million years ago and discovered in 1997, it was not for the weakness of Jerojousours or the poor and the lack of his gimmick among his peers Eater meat, but suffering huge baseball-sized tumor in the brain make him to lose control of his balance and then subjected to permanent injuries adult.
-This first discovery was not and is not the last of cancerous tumors in dinosaurs, Dr. "Rothschild" found that the phenomenon of cancer in dinosaurs worthy of extensive research and thorough, he carried with him scanning X-ray and traveled to North America, accompanied by his research team from Ohio State University to conduct surveys on the device 10000 dorsal paragraph for more than 700 sample from the museum for various types of dinosaurs. And already as a result of the survey it was the discovery of 29 of the 97 super tumor and is the total number of samples of herbivorous. dinosaurs "Hedrousouras"
-Reaons of dinosaurs cancer in this distant era of time is a puzzle in which there were many theories, most of these theories those that interpreted the collective and the surprise death of the dinosaurs. astronomers study the depth of our universe and found that the planet has been subjected to variable amounts of rumors coming from the space over the old and based on that observation,............
-One enthusiastic theories suggested that cancerous tumors caused by ionized radiation from space may have destroyed the dinosaurs to the ground! That theory did not stay long on the scientific arena as a fall resounding fell boost from a recent study conducted by the "Rothschild", compare them between the incidence of cancer in vertebrates current era and the rate of occurrence in the 700 samples conducted by previous studies and the result was that the rate of one occurrence and almost no different from millions of years from now.
-Since nearly 2250 year old Egyptian suffered from a disease in the Ptolemaic era. we called his mummy the name "M1", the owner of an unknown disease,suffered from severe pain in the lower back with the spread of illness in other parts of his body, his movement has become difficult and strenuous. After a slow death and with pain, his family hurried to pay the cost of being embalmed, although it is not rich or from the elite class, but they may see outfitted in order to send him in another happy life compensate for what they suffered in the world of pain.
-The happiness of the research team based on the Mummy "M1", and after many centuries passed embalmed send Greeting to his family in "the other world". Without making embalming decision to "M1" They do not get to know the oldest case of prostate cancer in ancient Egypt and the second oldest case in history. Happiness to the research team because their discovery this was to supppress that the cancer is from modern man-made and what's in it by throwing the blame on the industrial revolution and its consequences theory and tht is the purpose of that post .
-Cancer is not from modern man-made....... ..........
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